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Ideas And Planning

Reflection on my Pitch.

I agree with the fact that my third idea should by one style, not pixel art and vector art but rather one or the other and I think that I am going to use vector art. I also agree that most first Idea would be the most difficult to not only animate but add originality to it. I think I must disagree that I should make my second Idea into the game and that I'd rather take different aspects of the idea and redesign them for the game. By comparing the second Idea to a game trailer was interesting to me as I could use this idea to help promote my project too gain exposure for it. So it has give me ideas of trailers but most importantly posters to help promote the game to gain hype and feedback during the project. I also found it interesting how I could use my pre-existing assets for my game and turn them into an animation incase I come into Technical difficulties. Based on my feedback I know how to develop my idea by storyboarding the functions & mechanics and by keeping on track with an artstyle. I also know that i can take inspiration from my own ideas to create something I am passionate about. It's Probably obvious however, I am picking my Third idea as a playable game and then fall back on the animation incase Unity doesn't work. I chose my third idea because I and incredibly interested in creating my own game as it's something new and I'm excited to try out a new program and media. I also enjoy having that safety net just in case of technical issues as I struggled with that last time so having the security of a plan B is really going to help me stay focused. 

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